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About Us
American River Wellness specializes in the return to duty process. Our goal is to demystify the process while educating employees and employers how to return to safety sensitive duty. Our commitment to public safety is top priority. A testing violation does not mean the end of your career. Let us provide you the best support to your safe and timely return to the driver’s seat.
We have Spanish, Punjabi/Hindi, Russian/Uzbek and Turkish speaking translators available to assist if needed. We understand the importance of culturally appropriate assessment, education, and counseling. Call today for more information.
The Return to Duty Process
A DOT SAP evaluation can be stressful. If you are a truck driver who has failed a Substance Abuse Professional evaluation, don’t worry. We can offer drivers in a safety sensitive position clear and helpful support and get you back on the road.
You might be wondering how long is the return-to-duty process. With helpful resources from American River Wellness, the SAP return to duty process might be faster than you think. Access our resources and resume driving soon.
What is a SAP?
SAP stands for “substance abuse professional.” They will conduct your SAP assessment. They will guide you on your return to duty process journey.
Once you begin the process with a SAP you must complete the recommendations provided.
A commercial truck driver or other “Safety Sensitive” employee violates a DOT drug and alcohol testing rule. When this happens, they are notified by their employer or medical review officer. This employee must complete the return to duty process to resume performing safety sensitive functions.
The employee is required to be evaluated by a qualified SAP. The SAP reviews the driver’s substance abuse history. The SAP program for truck drivers is regulated by the DOT. The SAP will make recommendations regarding the education, counseling or treatment based on the information gathered at the assessment.
The employee returns to the SAP to complete the follow up evaluation once the recommendations are complete. If the employee completes the recommendations, they will be deemed “return to duty test eligible” by the SAP. Once this has occurred the employee will be eligible to take the return to duty drug test, which is ordered by the employer.
The primary goal of the Return to Duty Process is to facilitate the swift and safe return of employees to their work responsibilities once the process is successfully completed.
The employer facilitates the follow-up testing plan as designed by the SAP. This plan can last for at least 12 months and up to 60 months. These follow ups occur after the return to duty test.
How American River Wellness Helps
The SAP program for truck drivers and the return to duty process can be a lot to take on alone. American River Wellness offers:
– Information about therapy and counseling programs
– Recovery treatments and services.
– Support for all modes of DOT employees
Browse our collection of DOT-SAP resources to guide you through the SAP return to duty process.
Take the first step towards returning back to duty. Contact us today!
Call or Text
833-436-8727 to receive links to complete application and make appointment. We have a variety of payment plans available.
Sargent, Graham a request in the FMCSA Clearinghouse (Commercial drivers Only)
Initial evaluation within 24-48 hours
Our Services

As a SAP you represent the major decision point (and in some cases the only decision point) an employer may have in choosing whether or not to place an employee behind the steering wheel of a school bus, in the cockpit of a plane, at the helm of an oil tanker, at the throttle of a train, in the engineer compartment of a subway car, or at the emergency control valves of a natural gas pipeline. Your responsibility to the public is enormous!
As a SAP you are an advocate for neither the employer nor the employee. Your function is to protect the public interest in safety by professionally evaluating the employee and recommending appropriate education and/or treatment, follow-up tests, and aftercare.