
FAA-SAP Program

FAA-SAP Services for Return To Duty Process

The return to duty process is required for all employees following an FAA failed drug test. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Understanding the FAA Return to Duty Process

The FAA Return to Duty process is designed to ensure aviation employees who have violated drug and alcohol regulations are fit to safely resume their duties. This includes airplane mechanics, flight crew, and flight attendants.

What to Expect from the Return to Duty Process

1. Initial Evaluation by a qualified DOT-SAP

Assessment: The first step involves an evaluation by a qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). They will determine the extent of the substance use issue.

Recommendations: Based on the assessment, the SAP will recommend an appropriate education or treatment program.

2. Completion of Recommended Program

Treatment: The employee must complete the recommended education or treatment program. This may include counseling, rehabilitation, or educational sessions.

Documentation: Proof of successful completion must be provided to the SAP.

3. Follow-Up Evaluation

Re-evaluation: After completing the recommended program, the employee will undergo a follow-up evaluation by the SAP.

Determination: The SAP will determine if the employee is ready to return to duty.

4. Return to Duty Testing

Testing: The employee must pass a return-to-duty drug and/or alcohol test before resuming safety-sensitive duties.

5. Follow-Up Testing

Monitoring: The employee will be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as specified by the SAP. This is a critical component of the return-to-duty process to ensure ongoing compliance.

Why Choose American River Wellness?

When searching for a qualified FAA Substance Abuse Professional (SAP), it can be challenging to find someone who is both certified and empathetic. At American River Wellness, we provide both qualifications and compassion and offer various flexible payment options to accommodate your needs.

We take pride in offering a comprehensive and compassionate FAA SAP program that prioritizes the well-being, success, and safety of our clients.

Choosing American River Wellness as your FAA SAP program provider means you’re choosing a partner committed to your success.  

Ready to take the next step towards FAA SAP evaluation and support?  Contact Us Today to Get Started!


Does a failed FAA drug test go on your record? 

Yes, a failed FAA drug test does go on your record. The FAA maintains records of violations and compliance for aviation employees, including drug and alcohol test results. 

What are the FAA alcohol regulations? 

Alcohol testing is generally not required pre-employment but may be for certain positions. However, unannounced alcohol testing is required. Additionally, testing is also required if an employee shows signs of alcohol impairment, or an accident occurs where alcohol use is suspected.  

Do FAA drug and alcohol regulations apply to flight attendants? 

Yes, FAA drug and alcohol regulations do apply to flight attendants. Under the FAA flight attendant regulations, flight attendants are subject to the same testing requirements as other safety-sensitive aviation employees. These FAA rules for flight attendants to ensure they can perform their safety sensitive functions.  

Are there FAA approved medications for flight attendants? 

The FAA provides guidelines for medication use for all aviation professionals. These guidelines ensure that medications do not impair an individual’s ability to safely perform their duties. All medications must be disclosed.  

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