CDL Commercial Driver Inside of His Truck. Transportation Industry Theme.

If you are a trucker or transportation worker and have experienced a DOT drug and alcohol testing violation, we understand your frustration. You are likely eager to get back on the road. Many professional CDL drivers’ income relies on their ability to drive.

But the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Substance Abuse Professional Program is a formal process. It needs to be completed in a, step-by-step manner for drivers to get back on the road.

If you are wondering “how long is the return to duty process?” continue reading about the DOT SAP’s timeline.

The Return to Duty Process

The DOT SAP Program follows a strict return to duty protocol, per the Department of Transportation. This process includes the following steps:

To learn more about the details of the Return to Duty process, read our blog post. You can also view the full DOT drug and alcohol guidelines document here.

DOT SAP Timeline

As you may imagine, there is no one-size-fits-all process for every driver or violation. Many factors can lengthen or shorten the process, including:

So, how long does the SAP program take to complete? Each case is unique. In some cases individuals can return to duty test-eligible within a few days, in others it may take months. This depends primarily on the recommendations given after the initial evaluation and the employee’s willingness to participate.

However, the testing plan after the employee’s return from a duty drug test will last at least 12 months and may continue for up to 60 months. It is essential to consider that this testing takes place while the employee is back on safety-sensitive duty.

DOT SAP Program Cost

You might be wondering how much does a DOT SAP program cost? 

We are happy to work with employers that are willing to cover the cost of the program for their employees. In most cases, employers do not cover the cost and it is up to the safety sensitive employee to navigate the costs and payment associated with the return to duty process. American River Wellness has a variety of flexible payment options including Afterpay, split payment and promotional pricing. Reach out directly for more details.

Trust American River Wellness

At American River Wellness, we collect all of the helpful resources you need to navigate your DOT SAP program more easily. We are available to help you whenever and however you need. 

Call today to learn more about our DOT SAP program!